What crosses your mind when you read LDR ? 😀

You would never guess that LDR means Long Distance Relationships, right ?

M-am gandit ca ar fi un subiect tare dragut, mai ales ca I’m actually livin’ it. ;)) Desigur, as fi preferat sa fie doar  ” relationship „, pentru ca nu-mi plac prea tare cuvintele ” long distance „.

Some people think that, because of the distance, you can’t take a relationship like this in serious or even that you can have a ” normal ” relationship with somebody else in the same time. They’re sooo wrong :|. Duplicity it’s never a good thing. It’s still a relationship, a connection between two people, in which you put all your heart and dedicate to the other person as in a normal relationship.

The only thing that changes the things it’s the distance. Distance makes it all harder. Din cauza asta, cred ca sentimentul ar trebui sa fie unul intens, ca sa treaca peste toate obstacolele si conditiile unei astfel de relatii. I also think that the love it’s not enough, especially in LDRs, because you need also to trust your partner. Without trust a LDR can not exist. Also, one of the easiest ways to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship is to poison it with jealousy and drama. Communication is also one of the most important things in a LDR. Fortunately, we have Internet and messenger 😀 .But messenger conversations can be tricky. Pentru ca nu auzim ceea ce ni se spune si doar citim, mesajul transmis isi poate pierde din valoare sau isi poate schimba intelesul si de aici pot aparea numeroase certuri stupide, mai ales cand iei lucrurile in cel mai prost mod posibil. ( stiu asta, pt ca mi s-a intamplat )

When you start a long distance relationship, you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead, especially if you are a person who needs affection all the time and  if you get easily emotional . If your sweetheart is 10 000 miles away, you may need sometimes to kiss him or hug him and you can’t. Then you should think about the moments when you were really doing it and  about how great it was and feel a lil’ bit better. One of the hardest parts of a long distance relationship is connecting when one person gets busier than the other. If this happens in a relationship it is important to maintain communication. LDRs can and will test you and your partner. You need to trust him/her entirely as paranoia can play a major part in destroying the relationship.

Beautiful words are also important when communicating while we are apart. They could sometimes mean more than one ” I love you „. Prin cuvinte frumoase, ii poti arata faptul ca tii la el/ea si ca iti doresti sa fiti impreuna curand .Cred ca noi, fetele, avem mai multa nevoie de cuvintele astea decat baietii. Baietii vor fapte :D. Dar avand in vedere conditiile unei astfel de relatii, se vor multumi si cu aceste cuvinte ;).

These kinds of relationships can bring a lot of disappointment and heartache, depending on what type of person you are and how affected you get by the fact that you and your partner are spending so much time away one from each other. It is  also very important that,if you want this relationship to work, you must make a great effort not to drift apart.

In concluzie …. da, relatiile la distanta sunt grele. Dar e frumos. And if the feeling is real,tine si de la 2000 de km distanta. 🙂

*M ❤ B*